Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hear Me O' God

Life is cruel and circumstance is crippling
You need so bad God's special healing touch
You cry out Lord! but He will not respond
Have faith, He knows, you need Him now so much

Each day goes by you wonder why not now ?
You plead for Him to take your pain away
It's hard to keep your faith, you've lost your focus
Stay strong, He will step in and save the day

When clouds grow dark and you can't see God's glory
There's nothing that can save you, so you think
When you've lost hope and caved in to your sorrow
It will be God who pulls you from the brink

For faith is where the Lord will meet your need
Your cry he hears and when the time is right
He'll break the beast that has you in those chains
His day will dawn and end your blackest night

I wrote this poem for my Mother who had brain surgery several years ago but has been left with one side of her body numb and painful. This has been going on five years and at times she gets very discouraged. I hope it encourages others who are dealing with life's difficulties and trying to cling to their faith when all seems lost.

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